Are Super Bowl ads still the most valuable advertising space?

2018. január 30. - NorbertBoros

Our community consists of really colorful faces, which is a big advantage because we can broaden each others horizon day to day. That is why we decided to introduce interesting topics from all over the world that are connected to the hobbies of our Personauts.


Personauts take park by storm

When you’re at work and you look out the window and see that it’s a bright sunny day outside, it’s perfectly normal to want to be somewhere else. You certainly don’t have to be ashamed about it. You’re probably not the only one feeling like that. Here at Person Communications we all know this…


Snap Map’s here and we’re totally addicted to it!

Here at Person Communications, we always try to keep up with the current social media trends and functions, so when we saw Snapchat’s new feature we just couldn’t keep silent. The formula is very simple: you share your current location that your friends can instantly see on their app. Of course the…

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